Lee Richardson on 2020-09-17 #fact of the day #rats
Rats are smarter than horses.
N.b. Lee's facts of the day may not be one per day and may not even be facts.
Neither rats nor horses can vomit, so naturally they have to be careful about what they eat.
Rats deal with this by only eating a small amount of new food at first, marking it with urine if it's safe for other rats, and preferring food they can smell on their friend's breath.
Horses eat anything and die. Then the other horses eat it too and die. 🤷
I tell you what, I thought horses were intelligent and noble beings until I actually spent some time around them. On one occasion I was walking one back to the stable, towards the wide open doors. I was in line with the doors, the horse was in line with the wall. He made no effort to turn and would have happily walked straight into the wall if I hadn't turned him at the last moment. There's trust in my guidance, and then there's just obliviousness.
Here are my rats chillaxing.
Barrington, Rodrigo, and Alfonso.